Fit for Purpose

If one of the main tasks of the “organization” is to implement the strategy, then a key question for management is to what extent the organization is currently fit for purpose. Essentially, there are four dimensions to a “fit for purpose” organization.

The strategy must be appropriate so that it formulates achievable goals, it must be adaptive so that it can adjust to new environmental conditions and it must be developed collaboratively so that it can benefit from the experience of employees and involve them quickly and appropriately.

Organizational excellence determines operational results and the implementation of the strategy, i.e. efficiency and therefore important aspects of competitiveness.

Organizational resilience determines the extent to which the organization is able to process internal and external signals for change and translate them into appropriate development measures.

Organizational coherence is the degree of a collective view of the strategic direction and the short and long-term threats to the company. This leads to timely, concerted action and thus to a high degree of knowledge sharing and knowledge creation throughout the organization.

Implementing the strategy requires an adapted organization: fit for purpose.

We have covered the development of a strategy in From identity to strategy, here we focus on the management measures for implementation.

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