Succeed in a Changing World

An organization’s ability to achieve its business goals requires far more flexibility, initiative, motivation and new skills than in traditional environments.
They include a combination of:
- Your efficiency – this is the element that is traditionally the focus of most attention.
- Your ability to innovate – its importance has increased dramatically in our VUCA times.
- Your ability to change and learn.
Many of these are included in the lean and agile principles, methods and toolkits, while others have been around for much longer, such as post-heroic leadership. Combining them has now become an urgent necessity.
Strategy must adapt to the conditions of the environment – and to the identity that the organization ascribes to itself.
see: Evolving Strategy
The sweet spot
The sweet spot lies in the combination of these aspects. An organization needs
- A systemic view of the whole, combining the three success factors.
- A view of change as a continuous process. Changes do not come in distinct phases, they are constantly taking place, overlapping and influencing each other.
- A transparent and coordinated vision of “better”, i.e. a direction of change. In a complex world, this includes a vision, experiments, empowered people, incremental and disruptive improvements.