Author name: Jens Paggel
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Stop Scaling Agile
Jens Paggel, 07.02.25
Agile scaling is more business than agile itself. The question is: What is it and why should I want it?
Complexity, Guiding Principles, Manage, Organization Structure, System ThinkingDealing With Complexity
Jens Paggel, 07.02.25
Curiosity killed the cat and complexity kills speed. Simple solutions can be simple, rugged, of high quality, and fast. On top of things, they can even be re-used and adapted or modified.
Complexity, Guiding Principles, Innovate, UncategorizedCoasting Bikes — Ever Heard of Them?
Jens Paggel, 07.02.25
Design Thinking is really a great way to look at products and services. It focuses creative energy, sometimes even creates it, but: it does not always do magic. Here some — to me — interesting example that I would like to pull to your attention.
Innovate, System ThinkingLeap of Faith
Jens Paggel, 18.06.20
Many people are trained in getting started with a plan. Can be one. More successful is sometimes (most of the times actually) to get started with objectives and understanding the environment you are acting in. To change paradigms requires a leap of faith. A short introduction. 😉
Flexible or Adaptive?
Jens Paggel, 17.04.20
Flexibility of adaptability, what is the difference? It is the difference between being a passenger or at least part of the crew, if not the captain of the spaceship. Kudos to Buckminster and McLuhan
Strategy, Tactics, and Operations
Jens Paggel, 14.04.20
Strategy is one thing. Operations, i.e. daily life is something different. Probably is good to connect the two. Here is an idea how to.
Separation of Symptom from Problem
Jens Paggel, 14.04.20
A symptom is something that can be observed. “Fixing” a symptom is just covering it up. The underlying problem is still there. Understand the difference between symptoms and problems. Fix the problems and the symptoms disappear. This is how it works.
Strategic Workforce Development
Jens Paggel, 14.04.20
Understand that your workforce, that is your people develop your future products. Before you get your future products, you need to develop your people to enable them to develop their own future. People first. It is that simple.
Portfolio and Strategy
Jens Paggel, 14.04.20
When you are running an organization, you are handling two complementary portfolios at the same time. At least you should. Product portfolio and Knowledge Portfolio of the people developing the product. Both need to be managed.
Yesterday’s Weather
Jens Paggel, 12.04.20
How to predict future? Difficult. But you can extrapolate from the past. Like in differential calculus. You will make systematic errors, but who cares. This is better than nothing.