Before you start
There are certain patterns whenever you are growing a conceptual understanding in a new area. We support this incremental understanding
is part of the topics accompanying the map
There are certain patterns whenever you are growing a conceptual understanding in a new area. We support this incremental understanding
Growing Adaptive Organizations A Practical Guide for Designing your Own Transformation Journey Conducting an Agile Transformation on an organizational level
During our various travels we have found a lot of opportunities but also had to tackle many challenges. We have
Areas of Interest The map shows regions and areas of interest that you may want to visit during your journey.
The Travel Metaphor … We use the metaphor of a travel guide as every transformation is also a (learning) journey.
What are Adaptive Organizations Our Understanding Today’s world – societies and businesses – is characterized by fast change, unpredictability, complexity
1. Find the „Why“ for the Transformation „How do we are going to see that we are successful“ 2. Common
… how we switched from local improvements to a new structure This is a story of our Agile Transformation where
Get inspiration for your Transformation Journey from others. In these travel reports we collected the experiences from various companies. Every journey