Viable System Model’s Docs

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A One-Minute Introduction on what the VSM is about

Which Problems do we solve How do we make decisions and which decisions are made where is treated more as

Krishan Mathis 04. December2023 04. December2023 canvas, VSM
Meetup Session “VSM Overview” – German Youtube, English Slides

We had a great Meetup Session with a Webinar from Martin Pfiffner about the VSM and some very interesting application

Krishan Mathis 12. October2023 12. October2023 VSM
Mark’s VSM intro videos

Mark Lambertz has produced some very instructive videos introducing the Viable System Model. Unfortunately they are only available in English.

Krishan Mathis 21. September2023 21. September2023 VSM viable-system-model
The Viable System Model for Lean Practitioners

Kurze Einführung in das Viable System Model mit einem Mapping auf ein Lean Produktionsszenario. Mehr Brief introduction to the Viable

Krishan Mathis 21. September2023 21. September2023 VSM Lean

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VSM Lean
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