Welcome to the Viable System Model
Welcome to the World of the Viable System Model The Canvas and the accompanying playbook focus on the viability of organizations. They help to master the Viable System Model (VSM).
What are Adaptive Organizations
What are Adaptive Organizations Our Understanding Today’s world – societies and businesses – is characterized by fast change, unpredictability, complexity and ambiguity. Companies face the challenge how to thrive in
Working with the Canvas
Usage options of OD OD stands normally for Organization Design. The acronym OD can however be interpreted freely in several ways. Each of these interpretations represents an option for shaping
Yesterday’s Weather
An extreme programming technique. If you do not know anything to make a prediction, use your own historic data to predict what will happen. You are allowed to learn and
Your Strategy needs a Strategy
Strategies that would work in predictable environments like the oil industry have virtually no chance of working in the far less predictable and less entrenched arena of Internet software. And