Orient: Finding Improvement Potential
In the “Observe” step, we focused on understanding existing structures, and did not emphasize on evaluation. We continue now with developing an opinion, i.e. an orientation where we evaluate tho
Participation and communication
People own what they create Myron Roger, Myron’s MaximsTweet Participation and communication can be considered as sister cities and form what is actually required for the transformation; participatory communication. Transformation
Plan-Do-Check-Adjust(Act) Cycle. Make a plan, execute as planned, check the result and decide for the next step. Darn simple – in principle. Question is why so few people actually use
People and Culture
In a business environment of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, strategy development is not something you do once and follow the plan for the next five years.
Portfolio and Strategy
A Product Portfolio does not happen. O.K. sometimes it does, but in fact in order to reach a certain goal, your goal, You need to have a stringent development strategy
Portfolio Management
The portfolio management is an essential feature for strategic thinking. We need to know where we want to be in three to five years from now. Even in uncertain times,
Portfolio Management Squared
Portfolio Management is typically considered with respect to products. This restriction however ignores a very strong interdependency. Typically, complex products are systems, comprised of sub-systems. The people in our organizations
Portfolio Strategy
The Boston Matrix The Boston Consulting Group portfolio divides a company’s various products into four categories based on their relative market share and market growth, depending on their position in
Portfolio Strategy
A Product Portfolio does not happen. O.K. sometimes it does, but in fact in order to reach a certain goal, your goal, You need to have a stringent development strategy
Preparing a Workshop
Workshop preparation One usage option is a workshop of, let’s day 6 hours. What you need for a Workshop Material 1x Poster: Canvas Poster: Analysis Poster: Design Improvements Per participant