
Fit for Purpose

If one of the main tasks of the “organization” is to implement the strategy, then a key question for management is to what extent the organization is currently fit for


Flexible or Adaptive?

Are you flexible or are you adaptive? What should you be? I do not know, but I prefer adaptive. What is the difference anyway? If you are flexible, you are


Flight Levels

Die Flight Levels von Klaus Leopold sind ein Denkwerkzeug, um die Detailebenen in Unternehmen zu unterscheiden und um die notwendigen Kommunikationswege besser zu verstehen. Die Flight Levels stellen keine Hierarchieebenen,


Flow oriented organization design

“Whenever there is a product for the customer, there is a value stream. The challenge lies in seeing it.Mike Rother / John Shook in “Learning to See”Tweet In Flow-oriented organization


Flow Oriented Organization Design

Process organization over structural organization The reason for the emphasis on the organizational structure is that it is focused on utilizing resources effectively. The process organization focuses on a fast


From identity to strategy

However beautiful a strategy is, you should occasionally look at the results. Winston ChurchillTweet Strategy starts with finding yourself as an organization. This includes Identity: who we are, what we


From Identity to Strategy

However beautiful a strategy is, you should occasionally look at the results. Winston ChurchillTweet Strategy begins with finding yourself as an organization. This includes identity: who we are, what we


From Situation to Strategy

How to I start strategic work when I have never followed a stringent path in terms of strategy? Document your portfolio as it is today. You can find a center


From zero to Agile to agility

… how we switched from local improvements to a new structure This is a story of our Agile Transformation where we transformed our enterprise. The leadership team of a sub-unit



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