An organisation needs a purpose, an intention – that is the core of its identity. Identity begins even before the vision; it is something that remains, something like the good
In A World of Systems
A funny introduction of the team at Donella Meadows Institute. The video is made for young change-makers who want to understand systems and change them. Systems in our everyday lives,
Increased learning
Both operational excellence and disruption of existing activities require a continuous effort of augmented learning and a systemic view. This must be supported by a culture of trust and needs
Individual Skills
“Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t have to.” Sir Richard BransonTweet As the transformation involves changing the way people work, it
Individual Skills
When we talk about individual skills or abilities: what types of abilities are we talking about? Core abilities: at the end of the day, a team has to deliver in
Insider Tips
During our various travels we have found a lot of opportunities but also had to tackle many challenges. We have been learning constantly how to make the journey a better
Investment Horizons
Understand that funds are limited. This is not rocket science. You can spend money only once. The main consequences for our portfolio considerations are therefore to remember what we already
John Boyd
John Boyd is best known for his OODA model for situation awareness. Although the popular interpretation focuses on the speed of decision making, Boyd’s original concept was more comprehensive, involving
The details about the Leadership Theses can be found in the ‘Leadership Playbook‘, Tips for the Skills and Way of Working of an Agile Leader.