
Organization Capabilities

What are organizational capabilities? A capability defines an organization’s ability to successfully carry out a specific business activity. Capabilities: are the building blocks of the company. represent stable business functions


Organizational capabilities

The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises


Organizational Resilience

About Resilience Resilience is the ability of a social or ecological system to absorb or withstand disturbances so that the system essentially maintains its structure and functions. It describes the


Organizational resilience

About resilience Resilience is the ability of a social or ecological system to absorb or resist disturbances so that the system essentially maintains its structure and functions. It describes the


Organize for Human Beings

On motivation One of the most striking statements on motivation is Daniel Pink’s Youtube video about the three most important factors of motivation: Autonomy (independence) Mastery (control over a subject)


Orient: Finding Improvement Potential

In the “Observe” step, we focused on understanding existing structures, and did not emphasize on evaluation. We continue now with developing an opinion, i.e. an orientation where we evaluate tho


Participation and communication

People own what they create Myron Roger, Myron’s MaximsTweet Participation and communication can be considered as sister cities and form what is actually required for the transformation; participatory communication. Transformation



Plan-Do-Check-Adjust(Act) Cycle. Make a plan, execute as planned, check the result and decide for the next step. Darn simple – in principle. Question is why so few people actually use


People and Culture

In a business environment of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, strategy development is not something you do once and follow the plan for the next five years.


Portfolio and Strategy

A Product Portfolio does not happen. O.K. sometimes it does, but in fact in order to reach a certain goal, your goal, You need to have a stringent development strategy


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