
Portfolio Management

The portfolio management is an essential feature for strategic thinking. We need to know where we want to be in three to five years from now. Even in uncertain times,


Portfolio Management Squared

Portfolio Management is typically considered with respect to products. This restriction however ignores a very strong interdependency. Typically, complex products are systems, comprised of sub-systems. The people in our organizations


Portfolio Strategy

The Boston Matrix The Boston Consulting Group portfolio divides a company’s various products into four categories based on their relative market share and market growth, depending on their position in


Portfolio Strategy

A Product Portfolio does not happen. O.K. sometimes it does, but in fact in order to reach a certain goal, your goal, You need to have a stringent development strategy


Preparing a Workshop

Workshop preparation One usage option is a workshop of, let’s day 6 hours. What you need for a Workshop Material 1x Poster: Canvas Poster: Analysis Poster: Design Improvements Per participant


Reinertsen’s heuristics for flow

At the heart of an effective product development flow are a few central principles that make it easier to assess how specific goals can be achieved and how they need


Responsibility and Accountability

Alignment, accountability and autonomy are three English terms that together form a solid foundation for work in adaptive organizations. Alignment describes the agreement between the ideas and goals of different


Seed Autonomy

Leadership is not defined by the exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power among those led. Mary Parker Follett,Tweet Motivation needs freedom of choice



Sensemaking is the process by which people give meaning to their experiences and make sense of complex or ambiguous situations. It is a fundamental cognitive and social activity that helps


Sensemaking – the theory of Carl Weick

The need or simply opportunities for sensemaking arise in situations that disrupt expectations or understanding. These situations often involve a need to make sense of something that is new, unexpected,


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