Growing Adaptive Organizations

Before you start

Before you start Growing Conceptual Understanding There are certain patterns whenever you are growing a conceptual understanding in a new area. We support this incremental understanding by different ways to present things:

Travel Group

Growing Adaptive Organizations A Practical Guide for Designing your Own Transformation Journey Conducting an Agile Transformation on an organizational level must be an holistic approach. It is quite complex and can seem overwhelming, especially in large companies. With this practical “Travel Guide for Growing Adaptive Organizations” we want to share our learnings and insights which […]

Areas of Interest

The Map Every Transformation Journey is different. But a map could be useful to not lose orientation, to draw inspiration from it and to avoid blind spots. So far we have three continents where the map can help us to navigate:1. Evolving Strategy2. People and Culture3. Enabling Structures Common values and principles as well as […]

Stay Healthy

“Fail Early. Fail Often. Fail Forward.” Will Smith Tweet There are dangers lurking on a journey. No one wants to be robbed or go down in the agile Bermuda triangle. It helps to be aware of some of the common pitfalls on a transformation journey.  Neglecting the people dimension of change Plan everything upfront Overreliance […]

Portfolio Strategy

A Product Portfolio does not happen. O.K. sometimes it does, but in fact in order to reach a certain goal, your goal, You need to have a stringent development strategy and this development strategy needs to be managed, i.e. be aligned with an overall strategy, needs to recognize time horizons, needs to realize that capacity […]

Shared values and principles

“If you’re not willing to accept the pain real values incur, don’t bother going to the trouble of formulating a values statement.” Patrick M. Lencioni Tweet Transformations that start with a clearly formulated purpose and then adopt a common set of principles and values are more likely to succeed than organizations that simply implement practices. […]

System thinking

“To optimize the whole, we must sub-optimize the parts.” W. Edwards Deming Tweet The most significant gains are to be made in managing the organization as a system, not in optimizing components within the system. Optimizing the results for a process is not the same as optimizing that process in a way that it provides […]

Participation and communication

People own what they create Myron Roger, Myron’s Maxims Tweet Participation and communication can be considered as sister cities and form what is actually required for the transformation; participatory communication. Transformation only happens when the people who do the work do the change. Participatory communication requires a shift in focus from communication as a dissemination […]