Travel Reports

Travel Reports Get inspiration for your Transformation Journey from others. In these travel reports we collected the experiences from various companies. Every journey started at a different point with different routes as you can see on the maps. But what they do have in common: all inital travel plans had to be adjusted sooner or later. […]



Recommended external resources your reserved spot as a contributor All content published on this website exclusively represents the personal opinion of the respective authors and does not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the companies listed. 1.Several publications by DACH30 including the “Book of Agile” and the Agile Education Standards:

Don’t panic, keep delivering

… even though strategy has just been turned upside down This is a story of our Agile Transformation where the environment was a little … challenging and the strategy was changed mid development. We share how we were able to deliver in a changing environment. And how we had set up our organization to enable […]

Everything is important …

Everything is important … … and that is the reason why nothing gets done Everything is important and needs to get done – and that is the reason why nothing really gets done!An exemplary case study on how to get priorities aligned and make work visible to take educated decisions. Does this sound familiar? I […]