Strategy Definition

We are not trying to cover the multitude of approaches to strategy development here. This is not feasible. We show two concepts that provide specific additional benefits for an adaptive organization: Organizational archetypes and strategy development:  Strategic gameplay as part of Simon Warley’s mapping method. Simon Wardley is one of the critics who denies the […]

Situational Awareness

“The problem is, most managers aren’t aware of the theories they’re using, and they often use the wrong theories for the situation.“ Clayton Christensen Tweet Situational awareness is about knowing what is going on around you, and what potential threats and opportunities there might be. It is a critical foundation for successful decision-making. Situational awareness […]


“Identity is the sense-making capacity of the organization” Margaret Wheatly, The Irresistible Future of Organizing Tweet A strong and coherent identity is the strong backbone of an adaptive company. It provides clear guidance for people operating within the company. The trip around identity always starts with defining a clear purpose of the company and what […]

Evolving Strategy

In a business environment of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, strategy development is not something you do once and follow the plan for the next five years.

Insider Tips

Insider Tips During our various travels we have found a lot of opportunities but also had to tackle many challenges. We have been learning constantly how to make the journey a better experience with better results for all parties involved. The more we travel, the more comfortable we have become in navigating various travel routes.  […]

Travel Map

GRADO travel map

The map shows regions and areas of interest that you may want to visit during your journey.   It can help you to find your way when you are planning or are already on the road. For a holistic transformational journey, take the time to pay attention to all three main categories and three cross-cutting categories […]

About this Guide

We use the metaphor of a travel guide as every transformation is also a (learning) journey. Full of surprises, unexpeted turns, new discoveries but also huge dissapointments. Nonetheless: it is always a thrilling journey. With the travel guide we want to provide you with ideas for your starting point and with a frame that puts  […]

What are Adaptive Organizations

Our Understanding Today’s world – societies and businesses – is characterized by fast change, unpredictability, complexity and ambiguity. Companies face the challenge how to thrive in this ecosystem. The key question is: how to continually evolve and adapt fast in creating customer value? There are many ways to achieve this state of being as an […]

Transformation Principles

1. Find the „Why“ for the Transformation „How do we are going to see that we are successful“ 2. Common Values and Principles Values and Principles impact attitude, mindset and behaviour. Commonly defined, stable values and principles act as a „Culture North Star“ that provides orientation and reflection space during our learning journey. 3. Learning […]

From zero to Agile to agility

GRADO travel map

… how we switched from local improvements to a new structure This is a story of our Agile Transformation where we transformed our enterprise. The leadership team of a sub-unit consisting of 2.000 people of our company sat together, discussing how to improve. We sat there, wondering. And the insight came, that driving improvements in […]