
Die Konfliktmoderation – möglicher Ablauf in 5 Schritten Schritt 1: Klärung des organisatorischen Rahmens. Zielklärung: Erklären Sie den Konfliktparteien nochmals, worum es bei der Konfliktmoderation geht: um ein Lösen des Konflikts. Jedoch nicht in der Form, dass alle Emotionen und Erfahrungen in der Vergangenheit aufgearbeitet werden. Nein, die Arbeitsbeziehung soll neu ausgehandelt und so geregelt werden, dass […]

Leap of Faith

Whatever you are, you have an Identity. Maybe it is not cast in steel or set in stone (yet). Make sure to document it. Only what is written down somewhere counts. Whatever you do has an objective. It should have a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). You may want to check the concept of the OKR […]

A Growing Map: A Real Life Example

This is some party knowledge now:There is a cool, real life description how to work with incomplete and even totally wrong maps and still reach your goal. The description of Maurice Herzog of the first conquest of an 8000m peak in the himalayas in 1950: “Annapurna – Maurice Herzog E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc. New […]

Story Line

The Mission The site describes our view of the needs and mechanics of creating an adaptive organization. It relies on insight of practitioners of enterprises including DAX30 companies. The techniques include principles of Lean and Agility, but are not restricted to specific methods or frameworks. Key levers for Growing the Adaptive Organization The harmonic orchestration […]

Flexible or Adaptive?

Are you flexible or are you adaptive? What should you be? I do not know, but I prefer adaptive. What is the difference anyway? If you are flexible, you are like the flag in the wind. Just moved and shuffled around. You take the path of least resistance. That is a way to survive. Being […]

Strategy, Tactics, and Operations

Strategy is the “art of the general”. Strategy is not a plan. It is input to the plan. The plan of what to do is formulated in the tactics. Tactics makes the strategy tangible. The plan is nice, but the only reason for planning is planning. The plan does not lead to a product. What […]

Value Proposition Analysis

Put the Eric Ries Lean “Start-Up in a Nutshell” here… The Lean Startup von Venture Hacks Cowan+ aboutYour Lean Startup

Strategic Workforce Development

Actively develop your organization as the organization actively develops your products. This idea directly shows the importance of strategy, tactical and execution for workforce planning as well as product planning. Workforce and products need to follow a common roadmap. If there are products on the roadmap and the organization has not the right skills and […]

Portfolio and Strategy

A Product Portfolio does not happen. O.K. sometimes it does, but in fact in order to reach a certain goal, your goal, You need to have a stringent development strategy and this development strategy needs to be managed, i.e. be aligned with an overall strategy, needs to recognize time horizons, needs to realize that capacity […]