Growing Adaptive Organizations

Enabling architecture

“While we must acknowledge emergence in design and system development, a little planning can avoid much waste.” James O. Coplien Tweet The architecture of a system must support the ability to provide frequent, independent releases to meet business objectives. In addition, the architecture must be easily adaptable to strategy changes. This is achieved by evolutionary […]

Environment of trust and learning

“The glue that holds all relationships together–including the relationship between the leader and the led–is trust, and trust is based on integrity.” Brian Tracy Tweet Trust in the workplace has a big impact on how employees work together and how organization-wide learning takes place. Feedback serves as a catalyst for learning, about yourself, about customer […]

Structures, processes and workflows

“The real battle is not competitors. This is rubbish, very abstract. When do we meet competitors to fight them? The real battle is against ourselves, against our bureaucracy, our complicatedness – only you fight it.” Yves Morrieux Tweet The behavioral capabilities of an adaptive organization needs to be underpinned by appropriate organizational structures, boundaries and […]

Flow oriented organization design

“Whenever there is a product for the customer, there is a value stream. The challenge lies in seeing it. Mike Rother / John Shook in “Learning to See” Tweet In Flow-oriented organization design we learn how to setup the company from an outside-in perspective around the ultimate goal to create value for customers. Most organizations […]

Strategic workforce development

“To win the marketplace, you must first win the workplace.” Doug Conant Tweet In today’s talent-based economy, people are the key element that keeps successful businesses running. In a business environment that is constantly evolving, it becomes even more important analyze your current staffing levels, anticipate future hiring needs and identify current and future training […]

Organizational capabilities

The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them. John C. Maxwell Tweet Adaptive organizations are really good at sensing change and learning how to do […]

Individual Skills

“Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t have to.” Sir Richard Branson Tweet As the transformation involves changing the way people work, it requires increased abilities for all employees at all levels to collaborate effectively within the organization to network effectively with others outside the organization which […]

Enabling Structures

In a business environment of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, strategy development is not something you do once and follow the plan for the next five years.

People and Culture

In a business environment of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, strategy development is not something you do once and follow the plan for the next five years.